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How to Prevent Bumblefoot in Chickens
Posted by Lexi Montgomery on
Bumblefoot causes inflammation or ‘foot bubbles.’ It, later on, leads to the formation of painful, round, and hard lumps that can develop into chronic wounds. Aside from causing your poultry discomfort, bumblefoot can progress rapidly. Here's how to prevent poultry bumblefoot.
Protecting Chickens from Hawks
Posted by Lexi Montgomery on
Unfortunately, your chickens don’t stand a chance against hawks and other birds of prey. Here's how to protect your chickens from hawks.
The Best Chicken Coop Kits for Your Flock
Posted by Lexi Montgomery on
Our theory is that your birds will live longer, happier lives if they can feel safe in a community, and surrounded by family. Kind of how humans feel in tribes. These are some of the best chicken coop kits for your everyday needs.
5 Steps to Turn Chicken Poop into Compost
Posted by Lexi Montgomery on
By knowing how to turn chicken poop into compost or "black gold," you’ll not only save a great deal of money on fertilizer but also enrich the soil and increase the output of your garden.
How to Calm Broody Birds
Posted by Lexi Montgomery on
Hens produce unfertilized eggs, regardless if there's a rooster around, so this brooding is a part of their nature. You can work some of the broodiness out, but at the end of the day, Silkies are going to be more broody than Polish hens.
That's just how it is.